浙江大学医学院附属第四医院、浙江大学“一带一路”国际医学院(筹)以及浙江大学国际健康医学研究院,由浙江大学与义乌市人民政府合作共建,围绕国家战略需求和“双一流”建设部署,厚积浙江大学百年办学特色,义乌政府全力护航,浙江大学全面管理,“三院一体”共建高水平、国际化、创新型的世界一流医学中心,现拥有院士、国家杰青等国家级人才8人,省特级专家等省部级人才20人,在站博士后42人,在读全日制博士、硕士研究生360余名。 浙江大学医学院附属第四医院是学校直属的综合性附属医院,是集医教研于一体的、浙中西唯一一家省级综合三甲医院,于2014年10月开业,规划床位4300张,在2021年三级公立医院绩效考核中排名升至第63名, 是全国最年轻的A+等级医院之一! 浙江大学“一带一路”国际医学院(筹)是2020年12月经教育部批准,由浙江大学负责办学和管理,是一所服务国家“一带一路”倡议的高等医学教育机构,由中国科学院院士,著名生殖医学家黄荷凤任国际医学院院长。主要规划设置基础医学、临床医学等医学相关学科,并通过与人文、社科、理科、工科、信息等多学科交叉融合发展“新医科”体系,预计于2023年9月校园正式启用。 浙江大学国际健康医学研究院是科研支撑和转化医学研究平台,于2020年5月在义乌落地,已获批首批浙江省省级新型研发机构、未来病理浙江省工程研究中心、浙江省博士后工作站,将持续开展高水平的临床转化和前沿性的多学科合作。 “三院一体”建设重点围绕“生殖、肿瘤、再生与衰老、全球健康、传统医学”等“5+X”学科方向,聚焦“生殖医学、肺部肿瘤医学、再生与衰老医学、RNA医学、代谢医学、小脑健康与疾病研究、线粒体医学、基因组医学”八大中心,现在面向全球招募博士后研究人员!
The Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, the International School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, and the International Institutes of Medicine, Zhejiang University are co-constructed by Zhejiang University and the Yiwu Municipal Government. Building on Zhejiang University’s hundred-year history, focusing on national strategic needs and the deployment of “double first-class” construction, the International Hub for Health, with 8 national level talents of Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Distinguished Young Scholars, 20 provincial and ministerial level talents of Provincial Distinguished Experts, 42 post-doctors and more than 360 full-time doctoral and master's students, aims to build an advanced, international and innovation-oriented world-class medical center! The Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, directly affiliated with Zhejiang University, is the only provincial class-A tertiary general hospital in the central and western part of Zhejiang Province, integrating care, education and research. Opened for business in October 2014, it has a planned 4,300 beds and is ranked top 5% of the tertiary public hospitals in China, making it the youngest hospital in the country to earn the award. The International School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, established with the approval of the Ministry of Education in December 2020 and managed by Zhejiang University, will officially launch its national operation in September 2023, which is set to become a higher institution of medical education serving the national “Belt and Road” initiative. Huang Hefeng, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a famous reproductive medicine scientist, has been appointed as the Dean of the International School of Medicine. It has planned to set up medical related disciplines of basic medicine and clinical medicine, and develop a "new medical" system through interdisciplinary integration with humanities, sociology, science, engineering, information, etc.. The International Institute of Medicine, Zhejiang University, as a research platform established in May 2020 in Yiwu City for scientific research support and transformation medicine, has been approved as the first batch of new provincial R&D institutions in Zhejiang Province as part of the Zhejiang Engineering Research Center for Future Pathology, which has now debuted. It is also approved to establish a postdoctoral workstation of Zhejiang Province, and continues to carry out high-level clinical translation and cutting-edge multidisciplinary cooperation. We recruit postdoctoral researchers worldwide to develop "5+X" disciplines of "reproduction, tumor, regeneration and aging, global health, traditional medicine" and eight research centers of "reproductive medicine, lung cancer medicine, regeneration and aging medicine, RNA medicine, metabolic medicine, cerebellar health and disease research medicine, mitochondrial medicine and genome medicine".
一、工作条件 秉承浙江大学爱才惜才的优良传统,营造良好的学术氛围和制度环境,打造国际化、一流的学术科研条件,助力人才实现发展。 1.学术环境 在一个非常有趣和富有挑战性的研究课题中从事各种各样的工作,提供良好的合作机会,以及公平、国际化、多学科交叉的科研环境,国内外知名专家组成的导师团队指导研究。 2.科研条件 (1)合作导师提供课题项目经费支持,以及与其他实验室合作的机会; (2)根据个人兴趣开发辅助项目的可能性; (3)积极推荐并协助申报国家和省部级科研项目,并根据科研项目经费给予配套支持。 3.工作地点 中国浙江省义乌市。
WORKING ENVIRONMENT Adhering to the fine tradition of respecting and cherishing the talent at Zhejiang University, we foster a rigorous academic atmosphere and institutional environment, and provide international and first-class academic research conditions for you to achieve your professional goals. 1. Academic Environment You will enjoy a dynamic job with a highly interesting and challenging research topic. We provide excellent opportunities for collaboration, and a fair, international and multidisciplinary research environment, with a team of supervisors composed of well-known experts from home and abroad to guide your research. 2. Research Conditions (1) Cooperative supervisors provide project funding support and opportunities to collaborate with other laboratories; (2) Possibility to develop side projects according to personal interests; (3) Active recommendations and assistance are available in applying for national, provincial, and ministerial scientific research projects, and we provide support according to research project funding. 3. Work Place Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, China.
二、生活保障 1.薪酬待遇 根据省、市博士后相关政策规定,实行年薪制,缴纳社会保险和住房公积金,综合年薪40万以上(不包含科研奖励),并且在站期间可申请政府购房补贴80万元。 2.生活福利 (1)支持家庭生活的灵活工作时间模式,优先安排子女入学入托; (2)浙江大学医学院附属第四医院提供优质医疗资源和职业健康管理。 3.职业发展 根据国家和学校相关政策,提供有竞争力的职业发展条件。 (1)提供内外部培训的机会,表现优异者优先推荐至浙江大学工作; (2)根据相关政策,可参与职称评审,可申请助理研究员职务资格。
LIVING SECURITY 1. Income According to relevant provincial and municipal postdoctoral policies, the annual salary system is implemented and the comprehensive annual salary exceeds 400,000 RMB per year (excluding scientific research awards). Social insurance and housing support are also provided. Besides, we will help you apply for a government housing subsidy of 800,000 RMB during your employment. 2. Benefits (1) Flexible work hours are provided to support family life and priority is given to arranging for children to enroll in primary schools; (2) The Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine provides high-quality medical resources and occupational health management. 3. Career Development We provide competitive career development conditions in accordance with relevant national and school policies. (1) Internal and external training opportunities are provided and those with excellent performance during employment can be recommended to work at Zhejiang University; (2) According to relevant policies, you can participate in the evaluation of professional titles and apply for the qualification of assistant researcher.
三、申请条件 1.学术基础扎实,身心健康,无违规违纪等不良记录; 2.已获得或即将获得博士学位; 3.年龄一般不超过35周岁; 4.进站后须全脱产从事博士后研究工作; 5.生殖医学、生命科学、脑科学、药学、生物信息学、生物医学工程、动物科学、化学、基础医学、临床医学、护理、公共卫生等相关专业; 6.长期接受申请。
APPLICATION CONDITIONS 1.A solid academic foundation, physical and mental health, and no negative records such as violations of laws and disciplinary actions; 2.A doctorate degree in-hand or will be in-hand soon; 3.Under the age of 35; 4.Fully engaged in post-doctoral research work; 5.Major in reproductive medicine, life sciences, brain science, pharmacy, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, animal science, chemistry, basic medicine, clinical medicine, nursing, public health, etc.; 6.There is no limit to the time of application.
四、应聘方式 1.申请材料 (1)个人简历 (2)代表性论文及表明研究能力和学术水平的佐证材料 (3)两封专家推荐信 2.邮箱地址 ******@zju.edu.cn,邮件标题请注明:姓名+专业方向+意向导师。
APPLICATION CHANNEL 1. Application Materials (1) Personal resume; (2) Representative papers and supporting materials showing research ability and academic level; (3) Two recommendation letters from experts. 2. Email Address ******@zju.edu.cn, please specify in the subject of the email: NAME + RESEARCH DIRECTION + SUPERVISOR.
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